Few things in life are more satisfying than working with customers who get you, love
your work, and remain consistent and loyal to your brand. This rings true for Badge designers, Bow designers, artisan entrepreneurs across the spectrum of the creative industry.
But HOW do you make that happen???
This can be one of the most uncertain things a business owner encounters-- especially in the creative space. The truth is… amazing customers usually don't typically find you
(no matter how beautiful your hair bows are) You Must go out and give them reasons to consider buying from you. we all have to work to earn our customers (And that's the way it should be.) However, it's not as hard as you might think, especially if you follow these 5 action steps...
Step 1: Make a list of where you know (or think) your ideal customer spends time: Then
verify if your assumptions are correct. Examples would be Facebook groups, Facebook
Lives, Instagram, Pinterest, Art & Craft shows, social scenes, friends of friends etc.
Step 2: Get involved and interact with these groups, shows, and Live events: If
you’re a little shy, start small by leaving some positive feedback to posts. The creative industry might seem scary if you're new to it, but you'll also find creators and artisans who are extremely warm and welcoming. Moreover, customers who buy handcrafts are
usually happy to shop new designers and take a look at what you’ve made.
Step 3: What is your ideal customer watching, reading, and doing? What do they like and dislike? Remember, you want to be relevant and offer designs and solutions for your customers. If you're already marketing--you'd probably be better off going after Hobby Lobby customers than those who are subscribers to Quantum Mechanics Weekly. Just sayin! Lol
Step 4: Become an active contributor: One of the best ways to create excitement for
your handcrafts is to position yourself as an active contributor who has something to say and ideas to share. That means its okay to put yourself out there and contribute to blogs, podcasts, journals, and resources that stay on the cutting edge of trends and provide solutions for your customers. (Want me to feature your business online? Email me!)
Step 5: Stay Persistent & follow your heart: Persistence might sound cliche, but
it’s kind of the secret sauce that holds all these other steps together. In fact,
perseverance is sooooo critical to our success it deserves it’s own topic--and I think it's own future blog post.
Thanks for reading me. - Yanira ❤️